I hope that, as you explore my website, you’ll want to learn more about the education of Aesthetic Realism, with its great understanding of the world, the arts, and the human self. Studying it has made my life rich and happy, and it can do this for every person.
A few ill-motivated people have used the web to lie about Aesthetic Realism. As we can see elsewhere in our time, lies can have power. But there is also what’s true, and it has even greater power. You can use your careful, critical mind to see past these lies, and find out about the logical, honest, thrilling education that is Aesthetic Realism.
Here are just some of the many websites through which you can learn more!
→Public seminars at the Foundation, about women’s and men’s questions, art, music, education & more*
→Special theatrical and musical events*
*Note: These exciting public events were suspended with the beginning of the pandemic. Stay tuned for news about when they might resume!
→Self and World: An Explanation of Aesthetic Realism, by Eli Siegel
→The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method
→Aesthetic Realism Online Library
Art Criticism—Discussions of many artists and works of art, including:
- Alexander Calder, by artist and Aesthetic Realism Consultant Marcia Rackow
- Gian Lorenzo Bernini, by architect Anthony Romeo
- Egyptian Art, by Aesthetic Realism consultant Carrie Wilson
- Edward Hopper, by Dorothy Koppelman – Painter & Founding Director of the Terrain Gallery
- Robert Indiana’s Love, by Ken Kimmelman, filmmaker and Aesthetic Realism consultant
See the Current Exhibition — Surface to Begin With
Silkscreens of the 1960s / Steve Poleskie & the Artists of Chiron Press [September 28 2024 – February 28, 2025
This is a stirring show of pioneering fine art silkscreens which answers Yes to Eli Siegel’s question in Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites?“DEPTH AND SURFACE
IS painting, like art itself, a presentation of the ‘on top,’ obvious, immediate?—and is it also a presentation of what is implied, deep, ‘below’?—and is art, consequently, an interplay of surface and sensation as “this” and depth and thought as ‘all that’?”
Every two weeks, a new issue of The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known (TRO) is published. These issues include commentary by Chair of Education Ellen Reiss, lectures, essays, and poems by Eli Siegel, and papers by students of Aesthetic Realism from public seminars. The subjects that TRO deals with are wide-ranging, and include education; literature & poetry; economics; the human self & mind, and the questions of men & women.
Here are some issues I’d like to call your attention to:
“What Value Is—in Art and Life” – containing the beginning of a 1970 lecture by Eli Siegel about the great English critic William Hazlitt
“Money, Justice, & Relation” – Economics Is Diverse, an important lecture showing what wealth is, and how it is related to the world itself“
“How Aesthetic Realism Sees Art” – including a 1956 class about this subject
“How Do We Want to See?” – with the first installment of Eli Siegel’s lecture A Poem Is in the World
“For Our Time: Six Poems by Eli Siegel”
“The Coronavirus, a Woman of France, & Our World”
“The Self: Clever, Deep, & Confused”
“What Makes Imagination Kind or Cruel?”
“Timothy Lynch Represents America”
Further links:
Poems by Eli Siegel. Here are some that I love: “Hot Afternoons Have Been in Montana,” “Quiet, Tears, Babies,” “Hell, What Is This About, Asked Again,” “The Lord Has Stolen Her Whims,” “Any Star and Shakey, “Eagles Go with the Fine News to Many Places.”
Definitions, and Comment: Being a Description of the World: Writiten by Eli Siegel in 1945, this work is at once philosophic in the deepest and truest sense, and vitally practical and useful for every person. Mr. Siegel defines and comments on words that stand for the biggest matters in the world and in people’s lives: for instance, Desire, Knowledge, History, Success, Kindness, Hope, Freedom, and more.
Friends of Aesthetic Realism: Countering the Lies
El Realismo Estético: a Spanish-language website about Aesthetic Realism
The Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company
Chaim & Dorothy Koppelman Foundation
Bennett Cooperman and Meryl Nietsch-Cooperman: What We Learned from Aesthetic Realism
- A Wife’s Unseen Battle: Do I Hope to Like Things—or Be Displeased?
- Steve Jobs — How Much Feeling Does a Man Want to Have, and What Kind?
Aesthetic Realism Encourages Self-Expression
Len Bernstein: Photography, Life & the Opposites
Arnold Perey, PhD—Aesthetic A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology [See: Aesthetic Realism vs. Racism]
Edward Green, PhD—Composer, Musicologist & Aesthetic Realism Associate
Barbara Allen—On the Aesthetic Realism Understanding of Music & Its Relation to Life
Alan Shapiro—Music Educator, Jazz Pianist, and Aesthetic Realism Associate
Lori Colavito: Educator, Professional Development, Teaching Artist
Nancy Huntting—Aesthetic Realism Is True about Our Lives
Donita Ellison Art Educator, Aesthetic Realism Associate
Lynette Abel—Aesthetic Realism & Life [see report of a lecture by Eli Siegel on Miracle at Verdun]
- “What’s the Biggest Thing Women Need to Know about Power?”— with a discussion of Jane Austen’s Emma
- “Sargent’s Madame X; or, Assertion & Retreat in Woman”
Women, Ethics and Aesthetic Realism
Kevin Fennell: Rock and Roll—and Life
Additional links about Aesthetic Realism