The greatly successful, time-tested Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method, used by educators in all grade levels and subjects, is based on the following principles, stated by Eli Siegel:
1. “The purpose of education is to like the world through knowing it.”
2. “The world, art, and self explain each other: each is the aesthetic oneness of opposites.”
3. The greatest interference with learning is the desire to have contempt, “the addition to self through the lessening of something else.”
It was my pleasure to use this method in New York public schools for nearly three decades. Some of my experience is documented in papers I’ve given at public seminars at the Aesthetic Realism Foundation. I have presented it in workshops at numerous education conferences of national and state-wide professional organizations—in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, and Virginia. Several articles of mind have been published in the periodicals of English teachers’ organizations on the East Coast.
Click on any of the links in the drop-down menu to start reading.
I recommend these important works on Aesthetic Realism and education:
“An Aesthetic Realism Manifesto about Education”—30 thrilling and urgently needed points that every teacher and student should know
And you can read these great lectures by Eli Siegel on the subject of education and learning:
© 2021 by Leila Rosen