Here are links to more sources of information about the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method. Listed first are issues of the journal The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known that contain important commentaries by Ellen Reiss and lectures by Eli Siegel about the meaning of education. Some of these also contain powerful papers by educators who, like me, have studied and used the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method and seen its great efficacy in their classrooms—not only making it possible for students to learn who had trouble in doing so, but also encouraging them to be kinder. The lessons they discuss are about various subjects and were given to students from early childhood grades through high school.
The Fight about Knowledge—in Schools & Everywhere / September 20, 2017
This issue prints “What in Us Opposes Knowledge?” by Eli Siegel. I’m proud that an article of mine is also published in this issue, on the teaching of rhyme as a means of having young people see sameness and difference in the world, words, and other people more accurately.
How Our Schools Can Really Succeed / September 12, 2012
Elementary school teacher Lauren Phillips writes about earth science, demonstrating how the Aesthetic Realism method has young children love learning.
The Answer for America’s Schools / September 28, 2011
Read a moving paper by middle school math teacher Zvia Ratz, about algebra and ethics, showing that the just way of seeing sameness and difference between people can oppose students’ desire to bully others.
Needed by America’s Schoolchildren! / September 15, 2010
High school biology teacher and consultant with All For Education Rosemary Plumstead tells of lessons she gave about the opposites in the beautiful structure of a leaf.
Learning: Ourselves & a World to Love / November 25, 2009
Editor Ellen Reiss writes: “This issue features the lecture Eli Siegel gave on March 6, 1947 at Steinway Hall: Education and Feeling Good. The record we have of it is notes taken at the time, and these are somewhat fragmentary. Yet the grandeur of this lecture comes through, its aliveness, its newness—and its importance”
Education: Ethical and Beautiful / January 3, 2001
This issue begins the serialization of Eli Siegel’s great lecture of 1973 Educational Method Is Poetic, which I love! It also contains Ellen Reiss’s commentary describing, among much else, the importance of public education.
Further links
Find out about the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method workshop
Read “An Aesthetic Realism Manifesto about Education”
This kind document presents 30 points describing what every teacher needs to have in mind as to the purpose of education, and the self of every student in their classrooms.